Carinata in Rotations
  • 06 Sep 2022
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Carinata in Rotations

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Article summary

How often can I plant carinata in the same field?

It is highly recommended that carinata be produced once every 3 years to reduce disease pressure.

Rotation Options

What crops can I plant after carinata?

Many crops are successfully produced behind a winter carinata crop. Depending on your production area, soybeans and grain sorghum are two crops that have been successfully grown due to late May to mid-June carinata harvest. If you have irrigation, other crops may be grown but will not produce similar yields of a full season production.

Will carinata volunteer in subsequent crop?

Yes. However, carinata can be easily controlled by several herbicides used in row crop production.

Can I plant carinata after peanuts?

Currently, it is not recommended to plant carinata behind peanuts unless you know ALS herbicides (such as Cadre) have not been used during the peanut production season. Carinata is sensitive to several herbicides.

Can I plant carinata after cotton, corn, and sorghum?

Yes. Check the label of all herbicides to ensure carinata is not sensitive to any herbicides used in cotton production. Check herbicide label information for restrictions before and after planting carinata.

Can I plant carinata after soybeans? What should I consider while planting carinata after soybeans?

Yes. Check the label of all herbicides to ensure carinata is not sensitive to any herbicides used in soybean production; based on soil type, lodging could occur due to excess nitrogen from the prior soybean crop resulting in excessive carinata top growth. Both soybeans and carinata are susceptible to sclerotinia (white mold) but it is not a concern if it is managed appropriately.

Can I plant carinata after summer grazing?

Yes, Check the label of all herbicides to ensure carinata is not sensitive to any carryover.

Will carinata affect yield of my next crop?

Carinata has been shown to improve or sustain normal yields on subsequent crops in research systems. However crop yields in general are dependent on several factors from year to year.

How does carinata affect plant-parasitic nematodes?

The effect of carinata (as with any crop) will vary based on the particular nematode. Carinata will help manage reniform nematode at a similar level to other poor host crops (oats, rye, etc.). Carinata may have some management benefits for southern root-knot nematode control but field testing is needed to verify this. It is currently unknown how carinata will affect other nematodes common in the Southeast (e.g. peanut root-knot nematode, sting nematode, and stubby-root nematode).

How does carinata affect beneficial nematodes?

Carinata can increase soil populations of beneficial nematodes. Beneficial nematodes feed on microbes or other nematodes (not plants) and contribute to healthy soil.

Does carinata improve soil organic matter?

The decomposition of carinata crop residue will increase soil organic matter.

How much dry matter can I expect to achieve on a per acre basis growing carinata?

A well-managed stand of carinata can produce 7000 lb of dry matter per acre.

Additional Resources

Carinata Production Manual
Journal Articles, Factsheets, & Helpful Websites
Nuseed Carinata Contract Production
Contact the SPARC Team