Certification & Recordkeeping
  • 06 Sep 2022
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Certification & Recordkeeping

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Article summary

Why do I need to maintain production records?

Production records show us not only what was produced but how it was produced. Through the Nuseed Carinata certification process, sustainable farming practices can be documented and incentivized as outlined in their contract. Growers are likely already keeping similar production records for field management including fertilizer application, planting rate, herbicide/insecticide/fungicide application, irrigation amounts, etc.

How do I need to maintain records?

Growers will have access to a secure online form as well as a Nuseed representative for assistance inputting data and answering questions. The specific requirements are simple and will be outlined at time of contracting.

What should I expect in the certification process?

Sustainable production practices and recordkeeping will be included in the contract. Once all data is submitted Nuseed handles the review and certification issuance. Annually a few growers may also be randomly chosen by the independent certification organization for an on-site audit, that would be attended by a Nuseed representative.

What type of records do I need to maintain?

The production contract outlines specific record keeping requirements for certification. The information, such as fertility and crop protection applications, is typically already being documented by the grower for good field management.

Who will be responsible for cost of certification?

There are no specific certification costs for the grower.

Additional Resources

Carinata Production Manual
Journal Articles, Factsheets, & Helpful Websites
Nuseed Carinata Contract Production
Contact the SPARC Team