  • 06 Sep 2022
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Article summary

While we answer a number of frequently asked questions in the bulk of this website, more nuanced research is available for those interested.

Production Manual

Carinata, the sustainable crop for a bio-based economy: 2018-2019 production recommendations for the Southeastern US

Peer-reviewed papers

Industrial Crops and Products

Carinata and canola response to nitrogen nutrition

Agronomy Journal

Carinata dry matter accumulation & nutrient uptake response to nitrogen
Carinata seeding rate and row spacing
Swathing & Desiccant use for carinata harvest
Carinata growth, yield, and chemical composition responses to nitrogen fertilizer management


Creating Predictive Weed Emergence Models Using Repeat Photography and Image Analysis

Weed Technology

Carinata tolerance to preemergence and postemergence herbicides

Journal of Cleaner Production

Site-suitability and production potential of carinata based sustainable jet fuel in the SE US

Energy Research and Social Science

In pursuit of a homegrown biofuel: Navigating systems of partnership, stakeholder knowledge, and adoption of Brassica carinata in the Southeast US

GCB Bioenergy

Biochemical conversion of carinata biomass to organic acids
Carinata biology and agronmy as a biofuel crop
Carinata for integrated weed management
Hydrologic and water quality effects of landuse change to winter carinata
Tillage & seeding rate effects on carinata production
An overview of the Carinata Bioeconomy
CROPGRO model to simulate carinata growth and development
Physiological analysis of carinata growth and development
Break-even price and carbon emissions of carinata-based sustainable aviation fuel production in the Southeastern United States
Occurrence and biology of pests associated with carinata

American Society of Animal Science

Carinata meal & ruminant metabolism
Carinata meal feed study on beef heifers
Carinata meal protein characterization


Micronutrients for carinata

SPARC Report

Thermotolerance classification of carinata genotypes using germination assay and vegetative growth parameters
Final Report – Logistics Optimization Models Employing First Mile-Last Mile Analysis

Extension documents

University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

Management of Frost Damage in Carinata
Winter Weed Emergence during Carinata (Brassica carinata) Production


NCSU Small Grains Institute

Nitrogen Deficiency of Carinata
Phosphorus Deficiency of Carinata
Potassium Deficiency of Carinata
Calcium Deficiency of Carinata
Magnesium Deficiency of Carinata
Manganese Deficiency of Carinata
Zinc Deficiency of Carinata


Carinata Overview
Nitrogen Management
Stand Establishment
Planting Considerations
Weed Management
Harvest Aids
Scouting Carinata

Social Science

Timeline: Establishing Carinata in the Southeast US
Research Design, Outcomes, & Insights (2016-2019)
Expanding Knowledge Exchange at Carinata Field Days
Understanding the Barriers to Carinata Adoption in the Southeast US
Mapping Stakeholder Engagement along the Value Chain

Helpful Websites

Small Grains Institute at North Carolina State University

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