  • 06 Sep 2022
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Article summary

How many times during the season should a crop scout/consultant assess the crop status?

Scouting should be done at least 4 times throughout the growing season. Ideally assessment should be done 6 times.

When are the most critical times to assess the crop health?

  1. Stand establishment,
  2. Rosette/elongation,
  3. Bolting/flowering, &
  4. Pod fill.

When is an insecticide application needed?

A grower would benefit from an insecticide application if threshold levels are met for specific insects. Please refer to the production manual for more detail.

When is a fungicide application needed?

Fungicides should be applied when conditions are met for serious diseases such as Sclerotinia stem rot and Alternaria. See production guide for more detail.

What insect pests need to be scouted for through the growing season?

  1. Early season/pre-bloom: aphids, cutworms, fleabeetles and diamondback moth (DBM) larvae,
  2. During bloom: aphids and DBM,
  3. During seed development: DBM, stinkbugs.

What diseases need to be scouted for through the growing season?

Sclerotinia stem rot and Alternaria black spot should be scouted for from pre-bloom through seed development.

Can stand (plant population) influence disease and insect population development?

Overly dense stands result in a favorable intra-plant microclimate for disease development especially Sclerotinia stem rot.

Can a crop be planted 2 years in succession if minimal to no Sclerotinia disease is present?

Current recommendations are to plant carinata once every three years.

Should carinata fields be scouted following a freeze event?

Fields should be scouted for damage approximately 7 days after a freeze event.

Additional Resources

Carinata Production Manual
Journal Articles, Factsheets, & Helpful Websites
Nuseed Carinata Contract Production
Contact the SPARC Team