Weeds, Pests, & Diseases
  • 06 Sep 2022
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Weeds, Pests, & Diseases

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Article summary

Weed Management

Disclaimer: Always follow registered uses and product label directions using canola as the application reference for carinata.

What are the pre- and post-emergent herbicide applications recommended for carinata?

Pre-plant emergence

HerbicideTrade NameWeedsRate
EthalfluralinSonalanBroadleaf and grass weedsDepending on soil texture: Coarse 1.72 lb ai/a Medium 2.34 lb ai/a; Fine 3.0 lb ai/a
TrifluralinTreflanBroadleaf and grass weedsDepending on soil texture: Coarse 0.5 lb ai/a; Medium 0.75 lb ai/a Fine 1.0 lb ai/a

Post-plant emergence (2 to 6-inch weeds)

HerbicideTrade NameWeedsRate
ClethodimSelect Max, ShadowGrass weedsup to 0.091 lb ai/a
SethoxydimPoastGrass weedsup to 0.47 lb ai/a
Quizalofop-ethylAssure IIGrass weedsup to 0.082 lb ai/a

What herbicides can be used for burndown?

HerbicideTrade NameWeedsRate
Carfentrazone-ethylAim ECBroadleaf weedsup to 2.0 fl oz/a; 0.031 lb ai/a
GlufosinateLiberty 280 SLMost annual broadleaf and grass weeds29–36 fl oz/a
GlyphosateRoundup and othersMost annual and perennial broadleaf and grass weedsup to1.55 lb ae/a
ParaquatGramoxone and othersMost annual broadleaf and grass weeds2.5–4 pt/a

What herbicides can be used for broadleaf?

HerbicideTrade NameWeedsRateTiming
Carfentrazone-ethylAim ECBroadleafup to 2.0 fl oz/a; 0.031 lb ai/aPreplant burndown
GlufosinateLiberty 280 SLMost annual broadleaf and grass weeds29–36 fl oz/aPreplant burndown
GlyphosateRoundup and othersMost annual and perennial broadleaf and grass weedsup to1.55 lb ae/aPreplant burndown
ParaquatGramoxone and othersMost annual broadleaf and grass weeds2.5–4 pt/aPreplant burndown
EthalfluralinSonalanBroadleaf and grass weedsDepending on soil texture: Coarse 1.72 lb ai/a Medium 2.34 lb ai/a; Fine 3.0 lb ai/aPreplant emergence
TrifluralinTreflanBroadleaf and grass weedsDepending on soil texture: Coarse 0.5 lb ai/a; Medium 0.75 lb ai/a Fine 1.0 lb ai/aPreplant emergence

How do I control wild radish in carinata?

Wild radish can be difficult to control in carinata. If you struggle with wild radish in a specific field consider not planting carinata in those fields. A good rule of thumb is over 10% wild radish in a field is too much. Significatnt wild radish contamination in carinata seed will result in penalties to the grower.

Disease Management

What fungicides are registered for carinata currently?

Currently, fungicides registered for Sclerotinia stem rot control are in the triazole, ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor, and carboxamide fungicide groups. See table below.

What diseases should I watch out for?

Sclerotinia stem rot is the disease mostly likely to cause significant yield loss in carinata. A two year out rotation of carinata with winter small grains such as rye, oats, and wheat along with ryegrass or clean winter fallow will reduce the occurrence of stem rot in subsquent carinata crops.

What is the recommendation for managing Sclerotinia stem rot in carinata?

Fungicides are an option for controlling stem rot in carinata. The first broadcast application of a recommended fungicide should be made at 20 to 50% bloom. Depending on the fungicide and weather patterns, a second application may be made approximately 14 days after first application. Field trial results suggest that only one application is needed to obtain optimal yield protection with little or no improvement in stem rot control with the second application.

What rates should I use for fungicides on carinata?

The table below outlines registered fungicides and insecticides for canola on product label guidelines in Florida. Always read and follow label instructions before use.

Aproach (Picoxystrobin)Alternaria black spot, Sclerotinia stem rotVaries according to target disease— see label6 to 12 oz/ac
Endura (Boscalid)Sclerotinia stem rot20 to 50% flowering, or prior to onset of disease5 to 6 oz/ac
Quash (Metconazole)Sclerotinia stem rot20 to 50% flowering, or prior to onset of disease2 to 4 oz/ac
Priaxor Xemium (Fluxapyroxad + Pyraclostrobin)Alternaria black spot, Sclerotinia stem rot*Varies according to target disease— see label4 to 8 oz/ac
Proline (Prothioconazole)Sclerotinia stem rot20 to 50% flowering, or prior onset of disease4.3 to 5.7 oz./ac
Quadris (Azoxystrobin)Alternaria black spot, Sclerotinia stem rotVaries according to target disease— see label6 to 15.5 oz./ac
Tilt (Propiconazole)Alternaria black spotPrior to bolting2.6 to 4 oz/ac

*Supression Only

Coragen (Chlorantraniliprole)Diamondback mothApply as required by scoutingVaries—see label
Mustang Maxx, Mustang Maxx EC (Zeta- cypermethrin)Aphid, cutworm, diamondback moth, stink bugApply as required by scoutingVaries—see label
Prevathon (Chlorantraniliprole)Diamondback moth, cutworm, armywormApply as required by scouting14 to 20 oz/ac
Intrepid (Methoxyfenozide)Many insects—see labelApply as required by scouting2 to 24 oz/ac

Additional Resources

Carinata Production Manual
Journal Articles, Factsheets, & Helpful Websites
Nuseed Carinata Contract Production
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